Saturday, March 29News That Matters

You Should Think About Getting An E-Nail For A Number Of Reasons.

You Should Think About Getting An E-Nail For A Number Of Reasons.

If you’re a frequent dabber, you should get an electric nail without hesitation. Butane replenishing a torch may be a costly and time-consuming affair, to say nothing of the inconvenience it causes. No one wants to take up an empty torch with no refill container after they’ve finally become comfortable sesh-ing. This is one of the most upsetting things that might happen to you. eNails make it much easier to obtain excellent low-temperature dabs as well. The digital display box and heating coil let you to manage the temperature of your nail, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free dabbing experience.

What Is An Enail, Exactly?

eNails are by far the most significant upgrade a dabber can have. Due to the high demand for them when they first arrived on the market, they had a high price tag. Although their availability has increased, their cost has fallen, and the investment makes sense when you consider the price of butane and all the advantages that this equipment provides.

Digital Temperature Controller with 6ft Kevlar Wrapped 16MM Inner Diameter Heater Coil (Gold) - KikVape

Enails’s Pros And Cons

Enhancements to the Temperature Control The use of electronic nails reduces the need for guessing because of their improved temperature control. Butane torches need practise and, on occasion, the use of a heat gun or other similar device to get a precise temperature reading in order to achieve optimal performance. Setting it and forgetting it is possible with e-Nails, which let you to choose a temperature and then take dabs at that temperature every time. It’s never been easier to use low-temperature herb grinder than it is right now.

The ease and convenience of dabbing with an eNail instead of a flame is a significant benefit. This is because having an eNail as part of your setup is so convenient. A simple set-up, some concentrates, and a power supply are all you’ll need to get things going. Keeping track of how much butane you have or making late-night trips to the gas station is unnecessary. It is unnecessary to re-heat the nail if you are using an eNail for several hits or to share it with your friends. Relax and take delight in it after adjusting the temperature to your liking.


When compared to other techniques of inhalation, dabbing is undoubtedly safer since it does not need the use of flammable gas or an open flame.