Saturday, March 29News That Matters

Why CBD Softgels Are So Effective

Why CBD Softgels Are So Effective

Out of all of the hemp-derived products that are available on the market today CBD softgels are among the highest-ranked in the category of effectiveness. Of course, as with anything else, the quality of the ingredients of the softgels makes a huge difference, but when you have a carefully crafted CBD softgel, you are most likely to experience a faster, and higher quality effect than with other forms of CBD. The science behind this phenomenon might not be as simple as you think. Let us explain.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

In order to understand how CBD works, it is important to know the basics behind the endocannabinoid system that all of us human beings have. This system is a network of transmitters and receivers that are located throughout the body within the nervous system. As strange as it may seem, our bodies create their own type of cannabinoid-like chemicals that are used in order to keep the balance of our entire inner system. Functions such as heart rate, body temp and other fundamental operations are all kept in check by way of our endocannabinoid system.

The cannabinoid CBD is able to communicate with the transmitters throughout our bodies and influence our systems to either send messages to important parts of our systems or not to send messages. In times of stress or discomfort, while the brain is sending signals for the body to tense up, CBD can influence our messaging system to not send the messages so that our bodies stay relaxed in situations that we would otherwise be stressed out and tense in.

Different cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system in different ways. For example, THC does not influence the receivers by communicating with them, it actually binds directly to the receiver and commands it to act in one way or another. This is why people feel “high” when they use THC, and why it is considered a psychoactive drug.

Cannabinoids, although misunderstood by many people, have the ability to greatly affect the way that we think and we feel. CBD has the potential to be a great breakthrough in the world of wellness, but still has much to be discovered regarding the way that it works.

Cannabinoids and the Bloodstream

In theory, a person can enjoy the benefits of CBD by rubbing it into the skin where it can gain access to the endocannabinoid receptors. However, the most common way for CBD and the rest of the cannabinoids is to reach the bloodstream and make their way into the system through the proper channels.

One of the most effective ways to administer CBD, THC, and other compounds into the bloodstream is to inhale them through the lungs. Like most people that have experienced the effects of THC through the process of smoking marijuana already know, the head change from smoking pot is almost instantaneous.

Another way to almost instantly feel the effects of CBD and THC is to administer a tincture or oil sublingually and allow the solution to dissolve through the veins that are just under the tongue. By allowing the cannabinoids to enter the bloodstream in this manner the user will receive the effects quicker and more robustly than by most other means.

Introduction to CBD Softgels - Sapphire Essentials

The slowest way to receive the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids is through the digestive system. Although when a person ingests an item that contains CBD they will eventually receive the effects, the journey of the cannabinoid through the mouth, stomach, than into the bloodstream can be a long one.

If a person was to ingest a helping of CBD on it own, the odds of them ever feeling the effects of it would be very small. In most cases, the CBD would be destroyed by the acids of the stomach that are in place to digest food.

For example, if a person was to put a drop of CBD oil into a glass of water, they may never even get the CBD into their bodies because of the environment of the digestive tract. However, if they were to put that same drop into a gelcap with a protective coating, the CBD would be absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive system safely and without harsh treatment from the acids in the stomach.

Softgels and the Stomach

Softgels are created in such a manner as to protect the precious contents from being wasted away in the digestive tract. Without going into great detail about the mysteries of the digestive system, we can ascertain that nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are pulled from the foods that people ingest are drawn out of the food and absorbed into the body through natural means that have to do with the science of the human body.

The way that food is broken down into nutrients is that it is protected by the fiber that embodies it. A great example of this is that when you consume energy drinks that have a plethora of vitamins and other nutrients in them, you will notice that often you will urinate a bright-colored, almost fluorescent urine. The reason for this is that 90% of the vitamins that are supposed to be in your body are wasted away before they even get a chance to become absorbed.

If you were to encapsulate those same vitamins with a protective coating the outcome would be very different. The protective coating would allow for the absorption of those vitamins because the encapsulation would not allow for the quick dissolution of the compounds to be pulled away from the body and expelled as waste.

Although swallowing CBD in pill form will take longer to absorb into the bloodstream, if you use high-quality softgels as a vehicle for the CBD you will have a much better chance of high absorption and effectiveness of the CBD. The main reason why softgels work so well is that they protect the CBD from being overtaken by the digestive tract and washed away into the waste system.

Edibles and Other Forms

CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids can be administered through edibles, syrups, and other various forms of consumption. In most cases, these work well and deliver an adequate amount of desired effects, however, much of the cannabinoids can be lost. For edibles and other consumed methods, you must use a higher amount of oil or tincture in order to fulfill the desired effect. When you use a softgel or gelcap that has the protective barrier you only need a drop or two of the compound in order to feel the effects, with edibles it takes much more than just a drop. In fact, there is no way to tell how much of the compound that you will need in order to get the cannabinoid through the digestive tract and into your bloodstream.


After understanding how CBD and other cannabinoids work within the body it is easy to see why choosing a softgel or gelcap for CBD needs would be a much better choice than to try and drop some oil into your coffee or onto a Danish. The protective coating from the gelcap will guarantee a higher amount of absorption into your body than a mere cookie or coffee drink. When you chose to use CBD always make sure that you are buying from a wholesome distributor that provides high-quality products that are safe and free of toxins.