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How Long Does CBD Remain In Your System?

How Long Does CBD Remain In Your System?

CBD (Cannabidiol) has increased in popularity over the past few years, mainly because of its numerous health benefits. People mostly use it as a supplement, but one of the major concerns is its reflection in a drug test, mainly because it may contain traces of THC.

Because of that, people fear it might show up on drug tests even if they are used for medical purposes. So how long does CDB remain in your system?

Factors That Affect the Longevity

How long CBD remains in one’s system is not universal. Some of the factors that affect that include:


If you take one dose of CBD, it might take a day to leave your system. However, the higher dosage you take, the longer it remains in your body.

How Often Should You Take It?

The more often you take CBD, the slower it takes to leave your system. If you take CBD daily, it accumulates in your body, so many professionals urge you to take it for at least a week or two to see if it works for you.

Consumption Method

because of the popularity of cbd, people in the market have devised different cbd products that you can consume in different ways. the most common ways are vaping, ingesting, and sublingual.

vaping offers the fastest and strongest effects, but it also leaves your system the fastest. you should also look at the dosage of your e-liquid and buy a high-quality product like pod juice jewel mint.

sublingual consumption through oils and tinctures takes longer to feel the effects, but the effects last longer, and it remains in your blood longer than vaping.

oral consumption via edibles or capsules offers the slowest effects but takes the longest time to leave your system. if you use cbd as a topical to relieve pain, absorption time and how long it remains in your system depends on the cbd topical you use. therefore, ensure you read the instructions before use.

your Body

Everybody’s body is different, so CBD effects are different in every individual. Metabolism is one thing that mainly affects how long CBD remains in your system. People with higher metabolism clear CBD faster than people with low metabolism. The same goes for people with low body mass and high water content.

Other factors determining how long CBD remains in your body include age, body mass index, and lifestyle choices.


If you consume CBD on an empty stomach, it gets metabolized faster, leaving your system faster than if you had taken it after a meal.

CBD and Drug Test: How Long Does CBD Oil Stay in Your System? - The Jerusalem Post

How Long Do The Effects Last?

Like how long it takes for the CBD to leave your system, some factors determine how soon you feel the effect and how long they last. One of the main factors is your consumption method.

Vaporized CBD

When you inhale CBD vapor, 56% of the content you inhale gets directly into your bloodstream through your lung walls, which is the fastest way. You will feel the effects after around five minutes. However, this method offers the shortest duration of the effects, which wear off after approximately three hours.

Sublingual CBD

This is another way CBD gets directly to your bloodstream via the small capillaries under your tongue. You will feel the effects approximately 15-20 minutes after sublingual consumption. The effects remain for approximately four to six hours.

Oral CBD

Since you have to swallow it, the CBD has to go through the digestion system before it gets to your bloodstream, the slowest way it gets to the system.

You feel the effects after around 30-90 minutes, and only 20% of the CBD you consume gets to the bloodstream. This method offers the longest effects, which increase gradually, lasting for approximately ten hours.

Other factors that determine how fast you feel the effects and how long they last include your dosage, body chemistry, and if you had a meal before CBD consumption.

Does CBD Show Up On Drug Tests?

Most of the time, CBD does not reflect in drug tests because they look for THC and other illegal substances. However, hemp-derived CBD contains 0.3%, which makes it concerning. If you don’t want to risk failing your drug test, look at the type of CBD you consume.

  • Full-spectrum CBD contains all-natural compounds of the plant CBD is extracted from, including THC.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD also contains all the natural compounds except THC.
  • CBD isolate undergoes the process of eliminating all other naturally occurring compounds except CBD.


You can take CBD for medicinal purposes, but you have to look at the type of CBD you use, quality, dosage, consumption frequency, and food consumption to determine how long the effects Last and how long it takes to leave your system completely.