Tuesday, March 25News That Matters

How to Overcome a Weed High: Tips and Tricks

How to Overcome a Weed High: Tips and Tricks

If you’ve ever smoked weed and felt uncomfortable with the idea of having to do something productive, you’re not alone. Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the Canada, which means millions of people indulge in it every day—even if it’s only recreationally on weekends or at parties.

Weed highs may be fun, but they can often leave you feeling too groggy and unmotivated to get anything done, whether it’s at work or home. If you’re in need of some advice on how to overcome a weed high, here are some tips and tricks to help you level out to your usual mindset and regain control of your day!

Don’t Panic


The first step is always the hardest, but once you get through it the rest will be a breeze. Take a deep breath and relax, remind yourself that you’re not dying and that this will pass. If you can, try to find something to do that will take your mind off of the high, like watching a movie or playing a video game. Drink lots of fluids, especially water, and eat healthy foods if you can. If you start to feel anxious, try some deep breathing exercises or meditation. Lastly, remember that it will eventually end and you’ll be back to normal!

Stay Active


The best way to come down from a weed high is to stay active. This means getting up and moving around, doing some light exercises, or even just going for a walk. The more you can get your heart rate up, the better. Additionally, fresh air can do wonders for a weed high. If possible, go outside for at least 15 minutes. However, if it’s not an option to go outside right now, take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Remember to keep breathing deeply as this will help bring oxygen into your bloodstream and increase the level of carbon dioxide in your lungs which will help alleviate feelings of anxiety that are often brought on by smoking weed.

Eat Something Healthy


When you’re high, your body is going through a lot of changes. Eating something healthy can help you feel better by giving your body the nutrients it needs. Plus, it’ll help you sober up faster. Here are some healthy foods to eat when you’re high. Keep in mind that these foods will make you less hungry than normal because weed makes your stomach not want food as much. So, try to get a bit more than usual!

You can also try minty gum that can help relieve fatigue and decreased cravings for junk food or sugary drinks after smoking marijuana. Drinking water while high may seem counterintuitive, but actually helps maintain your hydration levels which keep your body feeling good overall. Plus, drinking water helps sober up quicker so drink up!

Go For a Walk


A good way to come down from a weed high is to go for a walk. Walking can help clear your head and make you feel more alert. Plus, the fresh air will do you good. Just be sure to stay away from crowded places where you might feel overwhelmed. Find an outlet for creativity or get some work done: Sometimes it helps to use weed as an excuse to get out of responsibilities. But if you really want to put in some productive time, try painting or writing or doing any other creative thing that would require focused attention. Take care of yourself first: If all else fails, just remember that taking care of yourself is always a priority. Drink lots of water and eat something healthy when possible. Avoid drinking alcohol, if possible, too because it can actually cause hangovers which could make everything worse!

Keep Track of Time


One of the most important things you can do when trying to come down from a weed high is to keep track of time. This will help you gauge how long you’ve been high, and how long it’s been since you last smoked. If you find that you’re still high after an hour or two, it’s probably best to just wait it out. Drink lots of fluids, eat some snacks, and try to relax.

Check In with Friends


You’re not the only person who’s ever felt paranoid after smoking weed—in fact, it’s a pretty common side effect. The first step in overcoming your paranoia is to check in with your friends. If you’re feeling comfortable enough, tell them what’s going on and how you’re feeling. Chances are, they’ll be able to help you laugh off your paranoia and make you feel better.

Drink Water


Staying hydrated is key when it comes to overcoming a weed high. When you smoke weed, your body loses water and becomes dehydrated. Drinking water will help replenish the water your body has lost and help you feel better.

Wrapping Up…

If you’ve ever smoked weed and then had the next day off from work or school, you know how awkward it can be to feel the lingering effects of weed high. The good news is that there are ways to survive this experience as I have suggested in this blog. Hope these things will help you out. But avoid getting out or in the public when you are too high to handle (taking a short walk with intermediate effect is totally ok). Just stay at home and try to take rest. If things are beyond control, contact medical help immediately.

About Author

Crystal Cloud 9 is one of the best online cannabis dispensary in British Columbia, Canada. We have the high quality variety of cannabis products like – strains, flowers, edibles, magic mushrooms and concentrates for every marijuana lovers. Make sure to check out our shop and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.