Tuesday, March 25News That Matters

How to Use CBD Lotion

How to Use CBD Lotion

The CBD craze has been sweeping the nation. Odds are, if you haven’t tried CBD for yourself, you know someone that has. It has all sorts of useful effects that lots of people swear by and there are almost as many methods for using it as there are reasons why people like it. 

So, why do people like CBD? Is CBD lotion as great as everyone makes it out to be? We’re going to take a look at both of those questions as well as a brief explanation of how to use CBD lotion so you can better understand how it works!

There’s a good chance that you have a lot of questions on the topic and today we’re going to do our best to answer every single one of those questions in detail. With any luck, by the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll be well on your way to fully understanding CBD!

What is CBD?

Before delving into the information that we have for you about CBD lotion, let’s dive into the million-dollar question that’s on everybody’s minds. What exactly is CBD? If you’ve never tried it before, odds are you aren’t familiar with it. 

In the simplest terms possible, CBD is a chemical component of cannabis. This type of chemical component is called a cannabinoid, and there are a lot of them. You’ve probably heard of CBD and THC, but there’s also CBG, CBN, and many, many more. 

It’s all very complicated chemistry so we won’t be able to get fully into detail for that aspect, but there is plenty of information online about all of the cannabinoids if you want to look further into that. The most important thing to know for this article is that the only psychoactive cannabinoid is THC. 

Many people feel that CBD provides a lot of the same relaxing effects that THC does, but without the high. Many people consider the high to be uncomfortable so CBD is a winner in this category. Many people feel that CBD helps with 3 major things:

  • Relaxing after a long day so you can wind down more easily. 
  • Relieving a bit of the discomfort that comes with having a body, which helps for an easier time relaxing. 
  • Keeping calm during the most stressful activities.

There are a lot more things that people feel that CBD help with a lot more than just those three things, but those are the basic things that are considered to be the useful aspects of CBD. 

How Is This Legal?

Many people hear that CBD comes from cannabis and they worry that it could get them into some legal hot water. While this is a valid concern, there’s actually nothing illegal about CBD on a federal level. The only cannabinoid that is actually illegal is THC. 

To better understand this, you have to understand how CBD is extracted. CBD is extracted from industrial hemp. Hemp is a type of cannabis, but it is legally defined as a cannabis plant that contains 0.03% or less THC. 

You’ve probably seen hemp shampoo, conditioner, or even lotions at the store when you’ve been shopping and the same thing is true about the hemp that is used for those. The difference is that CBD products actually extract the CBD while hemp products are made out of the hemp without any cannabinoids. 

Because THC is the only cannabinoid that is illegal on a federal level, CBD products are free game in many states. Make sure to check your state laws before you get too invested in the idea of trying CBD because there are states where it is either illegal or heavily restricted. 

How One Uses Topical CBD

Topical CBD products are fantastic for a lot of reasons, especially if you don’t want to internally ingest anything or if you just want a lotion that can give you a little bit more oomph with you’re trying to relax. 

Using CBD topicals is just like using any other topicals, which makes it pretty easy. You can either do it by yourself or have a friend or family member help you with the application, but the process is a little something like this:

  1. Take the desired amount of lotion out of the container. If it’s a squeeze bottle you’ll squeeze it out, if it’s a pump bottle you’ll just pump it out, and if it’s a jar, you’ll just scoop it. 
  2. Start rubbing the lotion onto your skin in the area where you’re hoping to get some relief. 
  3. Continue to rub until all of the lotion has been absorbed into your skin. 
  4. Repeat for every body part that you want to apply lotion to. 
  5. Wash your hands. 

Step five, just to be clear, isn’t required. We just like to make sure to remind people to wash their hands just in case the lotion that they got is greasy at all. It’s a pretty easy process and, as we said, it’s just like putting on any other lotion. 

If you have a friend, family member, or romantic partner that’s willing to give you a massage you could have them use the lotion to massage you with for extra effect. Either way, many people feel that CBD topicals help a lot. 

Why Use CBD Topical Lotion Over Normal Lotion?

A lot of people see the price tag of CBD topical lotion and wonder if it could really be that much more helpful than just using the regular lotion you can get at the pharmacy for a fraction of the price. While regular lotion can be helpful if used for massages, CBD topicals have a special edge. 

CBD topicals have a lot of the same benefits as ingestible CBD products, but because the delivery is different it’s absorbed by the body differently. Topical CBD is absorbed through the skin, which means that you can pinpoint the exact spots on your body where you’re feeling discomfort and work backward from there. 

A lot of people especially find this type of lotion useful for post-workout soreness, foot rubs, and general discomfort that can form in the body just by moving around throughout the day. It can be especially useful for helping to loosen stiff muscles that have tightened up throughout the day due to stress. 

Other Ways to Take CBD

You may be wondering what are the other ways that you can ingest CBD because we’re touched on them a bit. CBD topical lotions are fantastic for their own reasons, but other methods of taking CBD can also be helpful. For example, there are:

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  • CBD gummies
  • CBD sugars
  • CBD tinctures
  • CBD vaporizers, similar to electronic cigarettes
  • CBD chewable tablets
  • CBD bath bombs and bubbles baths
  • CBD soft gel tablets
  • CBD products for pets
  • CBD cooking oils

These are just a few of the most commonly found CBD products found on the market. There are potentially thousands of different CBD products to be consumed however you like. However you feel is going to be the best way to ingest your CBD, there’s a good chance that there’s a product for you. 

There are a lot of companies that specialize in making sure that their customers only get the highest quality CBD products available, which can mean great things for your CBD experience. 

How to Find Good CBD Products

Many people feel that if they’re going to shell out the money anyway, they might as well make sure that they’re getting a product that is going to be good. Finding good CBD products doesn’t have to be difficult, just follow our instructions and you’ll be well on your way. 

  1. Find a vendor that you think might be trust-worthy
  2. Look at the information on their website. You want to see if they test their products. 
  3. Find online reviews from other customers. You can find these on the website but also check through other sources.
  4. Start with a small order to make sure that the company is trustworthy. 

It’s really as easy as following those four steps. Many people find CBD sellers that they trust on their first try. There are a lot of reputable companies that sell CBD, the most important thing is simply making sure that you’re doing your due diligence first. 

You can also use the same tactics to shop around and make sure that you’re getting a good deal. A lot of times higher quality products come with a higher price tag, but you can find good deals on good products if you look in the right places for them. 

Really, the most important thing is that you get products that will work well for you, no matter what your budget is.

Paving the Way to Relaxation

There are a lot of people in the world, and a lot of those people have trouble relaxing. Whether that’s due to stress, discomfort, or something else entirely, there’s a good chance that CBD could be worth trying to alleviate this so you can have an easier time relaxing and spending time preparing for whatever the next day has for you.