Friday, March 7News That Matters

Percussion Massager: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

Percussion Massager: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

It’s back to business! Get those workouts in and get that quarantine 15 off your back. We are now seeing results in strength, energy, and all the other reasons why we love the gym so much! But did you know that something else is back too? Muscle tightness, inflammation, and soreness. Muscles that have been sitting on a beach sipping Mai Tais for the past few months. It’s been a long time since our muscles were this sore, perhaps when we first signed up for the gym?

Are we sucking it up? Will we keep pushing forward? Spend all our money on massage appointments that only provide temporary relief? There is another great option at Mountainside Fitness! You’ll be able to push through those hard workouts and crush your goals with one that helps those sore muscles recover!

Percussion Massagers! Essentially, these pieces of equipment are like hand held drills, which will completely change the way you feel!

Percussion Massage Therapy – what is it?

The Percussion Massager in Australia is a relatively new technology used in the fitness industry. It has the potential to revolutionize this industry. Fast, soft blows are delivered over a short period of time by the machine. These rapid taps aid in releasing muscle tension and bringing blood flow to the area. They help to relax muscles and promote healing.

Deep vibrations affect your soft tissues, which touch nearly every part of your body, resulting in a wide range of benefits.

Percussion Massagers Offer These Great Benefits:

Best Percussion Massagers of 2022 | Switchback Travel

  • Reduces inflammation
  • It moves fluids from the muscles into the bloodstream
  • Muscles should be relaxed
  • Break up adhesions and scar tissue
  • Reduces soreness and muscle tension
  • Prevents delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

You’re already doing what you need to do to reach your goals – lifting heavy, feeding your body, resting your body. You can now add this tool to your tool belt so you can push your body to where you want it to be without succumbing to the debilitating DOMS that inevitably occur.

Do Percussion Massages Help with DOMS?

We effectively break down our muscles when we challenge them with resistance training. At a microscopic level, there are micro tears, and when they heal, our muscles become stronger. The importance of rest days cannot be overstated. DOMS is the result of these micro tears.

It is crucial to decrease inflammation and improve blood flow to the muscles to recover from DOMS. Blood is a vital component of healing. When you use a percussion massager, you can hit two birds with one stone, making it a great tool to add to your workout routine!

It can seem daunting to use one of these high powered machines on oneself in a safe and effective way when there are 600 muscles, 360 joints, and 206 bones in the human body. Mountainside Fitness personal trainers are here to help! The use of these percussion massagers is based on a knowledge of human anatomy. You can learn more about our member-exclusive therapy sessions by visiting your local MSF Personal Training Desk.