Wednesday, March 26News That Matters

Tag: places to order glasses online

Myths About Varifocals That Needs To Be Busted

Myths About Varifocals That Needs To Be Busted

Varifocal lenses are one of the finest innovations that the eyewear industry has witnessed. They are an advancement made from the bifocals, making dealing with both nearsightedness and farsightedness - using a single pair of spectacles - more simple. What are Varifocals? Varifocals have multiple focal points unlike the bifocals, which have two. There are also three segregated zones to provide vision correction for near, far and intermediate distances. The multiple focal points and the three segregated zones facilitate a smooth transition when one shifts their gaze across objects placed at different distances. When it comes to bifocals, one might encounter a transition that is abrupt, leading to irritation. Also, the visual appeal of bifocals gets compromised as the segregation is ...