Wednesday, March 26News That Matters

What is CBD?

What is CBD?

CBD is what is called a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. They closely resemble compounds called endocannabinoids that our own bodies produce naturally.  It is considered to be one of the most effective compounds to help support our immune system, decrease anxiety and depression as well as being an influential neuroprotectant, defending and supporting the vital neurons which make up our brain function.  Two major contributors to the breakdown of brain cells are oxidation and inflammation. CBD has very robust antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is considered to be one of the most effective parts of the hemp plant which has a wide variety of therapeutic properties.  All types of inflammation, including digestive disorders and arthritis, may be improved through adding CBD to your day-to-day health care routine. CBD also helps support our immune system, it can decrease anxiety as well as being an influential neuroprotectant, defending and supporting our brain function.

How Does It Work?

CBD is absorbed by our skin and the mucous membrane tissue in our mouth. CBD stimulates a natural system within our body called the endocannabinoid system. Within the endocannabinoid system CBD activates a series of actions beneficial to our health.

What is CBD? | Chakanna® EU

How Much Cbd Should I Be Taking?

CBD is most effective when taken every day. We recommend 4-5 cbd oil drops, up to three times a day. Take a moment and hold the drops under the tongue for 60 seconds before swallowing or in your coffee/hot drink is a great way to take your daily CBD dosage.

We recommend you do not exceed 80mg per day. Each drop is approximately 5mg, the recommended 15 drops daily is 75mg.
We are all different, so our bodies respond differently to CBD. When taken regularly, you may feel the positive impact of taking CBD instantly and for others it can take longer.

Will Cbd Get My High?

One thing CBD will not do is get you high. It can relax you and ease anxiety, but it will not produce the impaired psychotropic effect which the cannabinoid THC provides. CBD and THC should not be confused with each other.

You cannot overdose on CBD. When it comes to CBD, some people are likely to have a higher tolerance than others, this means you may feel the benefits of CBD with 5 drops a day whereas your friend may need 15 drops to feel the positive impact of CBD. It’s about finding what works best for you.